Testover E vial. MALAY TIGER

SKU: 911

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Product: Testover E vial.

Suitable for: Testosterone enanthate

Package: 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


Testover E (Testosterone Enanthate) – is a complex natural testosterone ester, which is present in the body in the specified amounts. This drug for more than 50 years is on sale, but initially it, like many other anabolic steroids used for medical purposes, namely, it was used in the treatment of breast cancer, osteoporosis in women with developmental delay in adolescents, and of directly for its intended naznacheniyu- in men with low testosterone production.

At this point Vermodje Testover E is considered to be the most popular steroid among athletes because of its property in the short term to significantly increase muscle mass and improve strength athlete. It is used in many sports, but especially popular among weightlifters.

Bodybuilders actively apply Vermodje Testover E to increase the weight lifters to increase the strength. Steroid has a high androgenic and anabolic activity. Due to fluid retention mass is growing before our eyes. it also contributes to recovery after exhausting workouts and gives the athlete a sense of overtraining. Now it is difficult to imagine a course of steroids, which would not appear testosterone. And, notably, the steroid is not only suitable for experienced athletes, beginners can also start and the result will not take long with it. It is worth remembering because it delays the liquid, there is a zoom out, so you should supplement the course of other drugs.


Positive effects from Vermodje Testover E:


  • It promotes rapid growth of muscle mass and strength athlete
  • water retention in the body. This is both a plus and a minus. Place in the fact that thanks to this property in athletes and there is a more pronounced volumetric musculature. This quality is very loved by bodybuilders
  • It helps to relieve pain in the joints, which has a positive effect on the training
  • It improves the general condition of the athlete and improves the desire to exercise
  • applying Testosterone enanthate, you will not feel the body of overtraining
  • increases libido