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Product: Tamoxiver

Suitable for: Tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex)

Package: 20mg 25 pills

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Tamoxiver  – This is a drug which is an excellent means for flavoring suppression exhibited by a side effect of the steroid. Great, as one of the elements for following the course of therapy. Served as the basis for drug Tamoxifen is active substance. Substance over the years has earned itself a good confidence.


Effects of the use of Tamoxiver:


  •  The rapid build-up of power performance.
  • Improving muscle relief.
  • Lowering flavoring.
  • A significant increase in the hardness of muscles.
  • Quick muscle growth.
  • Payment estrogenic effect from administration of other medicines.
  • Effective to get rid of body fat.
  • Normalization of liver function.
  • Reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Effective prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

The drug is perfectly manifests itself not only as a means of FCT, but also as a steroid. Use it started at the end of the course.
You can buy Tamoksiver from proven market anabolic steroids pharmaceutical company VERMOJE. It is produced in tablet form, Table 25. 20 mg. All products released by this company are of good quality and are pre-checked.


Course Tamoxiver  and Dosage:
Dosage is 10-20mg per day. Reception lasts about 2-3 weeks, and begins the last week of a course of steroids. Widespread sharing with Proviron.


Side effects Tamoxiver:
If not used properly, increases the risk of side effects: depression and drowsiness, fatigue, constipation, anorexia, fever, dizziness, nausea, bouts of depression