Primover vial MALAY TIGER


Product: Primover vial

Suitable for: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)

Package: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)

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Vermodje Primover 10 ml can be used in the same cycles in which nandrolone is used, methenolone can serve as a substitute, although weaker, for the latter. Just like nandrolone, methenolone very well stabilizes the androgen receptor, at the same time, it is absolutely not prone to aromatization and does not exhibit progestagenic activity, which has both positive and negative sides.
The positive are the absence of excessive accumulation of water and fat deposits during the course of methenolone, to the negative – a weaker action. On the other hand, unlike nandrolone, does not make Vermodje Primover 10 ml into a less active substance, so the strength of its effect on the body remains unchanged.
At Vermodje Primover 10 ml there are actually two areas of application – preparation for competitions and the period of an exit from a cycle. In the second case, the peculiarity of the drug is used, that it very slightly suppresses production by the body of its own testosterone, i.e. Recovery of production of endogenous testosterone can go against the background of its use (dosage in this case should not exceed 400 mg per week and combine the drug is preferred only with non-aromatizing steroids).


Combination of Vermodje Primover 10 ml with other preparations


Combine Vermodje Primover 10 ml costs with methandrostenolone or oxymetholone, if your goal is to gain muscle mass (although to achieve this, methenolone is hardly worth using at all). With drostanolone, fluoxymesterone or stanozolol in preparation for the competition. With methandrostenolone or stanozolol upon exiting the cycle. Occasionally, methenolone is combined with testosterone (although, unlike nandrolone, primo synergist testosterone is not) or trenbolone.