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Product: Naposim 5

Suitable for: Methandienone oral (Dianabol)

Package: 5mg (100 pills)


Naposim is a well-known drug from Vermoja, the main active ingredient in it is methandienone. This substance has the following characteristic steroid properties: increase in muscle mass, increase in strength, strengthening of bone structures, a good increase in appetite, acceleration of protein synthesis processes, pronounced anti-catabolic effect. It is active for 5 hours and can be detected from the beginning of admission to the expiration of a 5-week period. Toxic to the liver. The form of the release of Naposim is tableted.


Side Effects


The main side effects of the drug are: water retention, decreased libido (after the course, it is temporary, during the course – increased), rollback after the course of NAPOSIM, increased appetite (sometimes does not allow you to follow the diet), greasy skin, acne. In general, a standard kit that can be reduced by taking anti-estrogen drugs, for example, Tamoxifen. The active substance of the drug Naposim – methane can also help to reduce the production of its own testosterone, but only with prolonged use. The drug is toxic to the liver. Aromatase is released – an enzyme that turns testosterone into a female sex hormone (estrogen). If the dosage is incorrect, gynecomastia is possible. It is very important to follow the recommended dosages, exceeding them can lead to a strong decrease in testosterone production and liver damage.


Reviews on Naposim


Most athletes, of course, only praised the course of Naposim, gaining muscle mass. The picture was overshadowed only by the fact that there was a good rollback. Also for some people, an increased appetite was unpleasant. Diet was difficult to eat, I wanted to eat more. But positive feedback about the Naposima from Vermodje still significantly prevail. Even at the first time of reception, the gain of mass reaches 2-3 kg at the right loads. Of course, once the strength indicators increase, then it is necessary to train harder, this applies to the working weights and the choice of exercises. Only in this case, the growth of mass will be felt.