Nandrorapid (vial) MALAY TIGER

SKU: 592

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Product: Nandrorapid (vial)

Suitable for: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)

Package: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)


The real return in volume, the quality of the muscles cleanly pays for the cost of Nandro Rapid. Phenyl works quietly, it is not strong androgen, weakly flavored in female estrogens, why instant snapping is a rare event.

NandroRapid is a hard anabolic for real volume pumping and resumption after sports injuries. Anabolic exactly rolls a strong muscle, it does not fill with water – the effectiveness of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is tested by experience.

NandroRapid will give a bonus – you can quickly cancel, and clean the bloodstream when the injection does not trample. New, start Fenilom – you will definitely appreciate the most awesome properties.

Nandrolone can be used by almost all athletes. The drug gives positive results and has a small number of side effects. Nandrolone has a reputation as a drug that relieves pain in the joints and tendons. Athletes experiencing pain in the shoulders, knees or elbows, cease to feel pain during the cycle of eating Nandrolone.


Dosage: 200-600 mg per week


Side effects of Nandrorapid


The drug Nandrorapid has a slight aromatization. The level of prolactin more affects the possibility of side effects. If the permissible dosage is exceeded, such undesirable side effects as high blood pressure, fluid retention, gynecomastia, and decreased libido may occur. To avoid such problems with your health, you must take Bromocriptine. The drug is not recommended for use by beginners, as it reduces the production of its own testosterone in the body, and restore it without the use of special means of restorative pharmacology is quite difficult.