
Product: Metaprime

Suitable for: Methandienone oral (Dianabol)

Package: 10mg (50 pills)


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The oldest weight gain, this product was around before Arni.  You’ll gain size and strength very quick. Its great to use when you’re waiting for your Test and Deca to kick in then they’re all working together. METAPRIME, is a strong steroid compound capable of producing large gains in muscle mass. It is also one of the oldest steroid compounds created, and despite the years of improvement in steroid technology, METAPRIME is still commonly used. Side effects from METAPRIME use are moderate, although it is toxic to the liver and high doses are not recommended. METAPRIME is often used by body builders and athletes to kick start muscle gains or as a bridge between cycles of other drugs in order to maintain gains.




The effect of most injectable anabolic steroids is greatly enhanced by addition of Metaprime. The improvement is greater than from simply increasing the amount of injectable by the same amount. A classic and dramatic example is trenbolone. Though the total amount of steroid used is the same in all three cases, 50 mg/day each of trenbolone acetate stacked with 50 mg/day Metaprime provides a far more effective steroid cycle than either 100 mg/day of trenbolone acetate alone or 100 mg/day Dbol alone. The side effect profile is superior as well. In other words, the compounds act synergistically: the whole is greater than the parts. This is likely due to differing mechanisms of action.

Metaprime steroids are some of the most popular steroids of all time; of all the oral steroids available without question Metaprime steroids hold the throne of the most popular ones. As well as being immensely popular they are further the first anabolic to by synthetically made for human use in an oral form. While the steroid is also available in an injectable form the oral is by far more popular and far more commonly used; in-fact, although there is an injectable version commonly known as Reforvit-B it is the oral version we are concerned with here since it is by far the main version used and really the only one you would ever need.