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Aldactone 25 MALAY TIGER


Product: Aldactone

Suitable for: Aldactone (Spironolactone)

Package: 25mg 30 pills

SKU: 691 Category: Tag:


Aldactone belongs to a class of diuretics that conserve potassium and magnesium.A noticeable diuretic effect on the body appears in most cases on the second day of treatment, sometimes the therapeutic effect has to wait up to five days.
At reception the organism is capable to process up to 90% of percent of active substance that speaks about good absorption of a preparation.


Terms and conditions of storage


Aldactone should be stored in a specially designated place outside the reach of children. From the moment of production it is necessary to use the medicinal product for 5 years.

Under no circumstances should Aldactone be used after the expiration date.




Because of the high cost of the drug, not many patients can afford treatment with Aldactone. Of the responses that were left by patients, it can be seen that the drug has a fairly strong effect on the body in terms of treatment and side effects. Approximately 80-85% of those taking the drug noted its therapeutic effect, but the effectiveness of the drug is equal to its cheaper counterparts.

Based on the available opinions, 10% of patients were dissatisfied with the use of the drug. They did not have an obvious therapeutic effect, but a large number of side effects appeared.

Among them stand out such as drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, heart pain and trouble breathing. The rest of the patients did not notice any effect on their body. Reviews of other patients can be read after the information given at the bottom of the page.